NCV 防水3D立體口罩升級版+鼻樑條 台灣製造3DMASK+
表層防水布 隔絕飛沫
可清洗 手洗後晾乾 勿烘乾 以免影響表層防水層 降低口罩使用壽命
Its recommended to hand wash in cold/warm water (under 40 Celsius degree) and air dry only. Do not tumble dry.
材質:Nylon/poly/TPU,Cotton,Lycra 尼龍防水布,棉,萊卡
. Waterproof layer prevents from droplets
. Droplets and dust Mask provides maximal coverage from nose to chin
. 3-Dimensional design makes it custom-fit well
. Adjustable/stretchable earloop fits all size
升級版鼻樑條設計 更加貼合臉型 服貼密合
表層防水布 隔絕飛沫
可清洗 手洗後晾乾 勿烘乾 以免影響表層防水層 降低口罩使用壽命
Its recommended to hand wash in cold/warm water (under 40 Celsius degree) and air dry only. Do not tumble dry.
材質:Nylon/poly/TPU,Cotton,Lycra 尼龍防水布,棉,萊卡
. Waterproof layer prevents from droplets
. Droplets and dust Mask provides maximal coverage from nose to chin
. 3-Dimensional design makes it custom-fit well
. Adjustable/stretchable earloop fits all size
升級版鼻樑條設計 更加貼合臉型 服貼密合