★ Planet Waves Nylpro 1.40m 烏克麗麗/民謠吉他/電吉他 Bass Pick 彈片 ★
Planet Waves 推出的 Jazz 款彈片,
比一般 Jazz 彈片大一點,
相當於 Dunlop 的 Jazz III XL 大小
NYLPRO Jazz Guitar Picks - D'Addario stands for innovation.
You can feel it again at the presentation of the new,
revolutionary D'Addario/Planet Waves Nylpro Jazz Picks.
With this pick, structured on both sides, you always deliver a good performance,
no matter if as a jazz musician or shredder.
Jazz shape(ca. 23,5 x 27 mm)
Material: Nylon
Injection molded guitar pick
Two-sided grip pattern for extra playing control and a smooth playing surface for articulation
Small tipfor a precise guitar playing
Warm tone
Extra Heavy Gauge / 1,4 mm
Colour: blue
Made in USA
關於 Tony Music 唐尼樂器 請參考賣場中店家簡介.謝謝!=)
#吉他Pick #電吉他Pick #BassPick #貝斯Pick #烏克麗麗Pick #貝士Pick #柳琴Pick #吉他彈片 #電吉他彈片 #Bass彈片 #貝斯彈片 #貝士彈片 #烏克麗麗彈片 #柳琴彈片 #曼陀鈴Pick #曼陀鈴彈片 #古典吉他Pick #古典吉他彈片
Planet Waves 推出的 Jazz 款彈片,
比一般 Jazz 彈片大一點,
相當於 Dunlop 的 Jazz III XL 大小
NYLPRO Jazz Guitar Picks - D'Addario stands for innovation.
You can feel it again at the presentation of the new,
revolutionary D'Addario/Planet Waves Nylpro Jazz Picks.
With this pick, structured on both sides, you always deliver a good performance,
no matter if as a jazz musician or shredder.
Jazz shape(ca. 23,5 x 27 mm)
Material: Nylon
Injection molded guitar pick
Two-sided grip pattern for extra playing control and a smooth playing surface for articulation
Small tipfor a precise guitar playing
Warm tone
Extra Heavy Gauge / 1,4 mm
Colour: blue
Made in USA
關於 Tony Music 唐尼樂器 請參考賣場中店家簡介.謝謝!=)
#吉他Pick #電吉他Pick #BassPick #貝斯Pick #烏克麗麗Pick #貝士Pick #柳琴Pick #吉他彈片 #電吉他彈片 #Bass彈片 #貝斯彈片 #貝士彈片 #烏克麗麗彈片 #柳琴彈片 #曼陀鈴Pick #曼陀鈴彈片 #古典吉他Pick #古典吉他彈片