planet waves pw-ip 厚度替換型烏克麗麗/木吉他/電吉他 bass pick 彈片
planet waves adjustable insert pick
the planet waves adjustable insert pick is a customizable solution
to achieve a variety of picking sounds and attacks.
designed with the electric bass player in mind,
a rubber outer pick accepts different inserts of varying thicknesses
for soft to hard attacks - the perfect tool to attain a finger-plucked tone
on the bass or electric guitar.
the adjustable insert pick is also a great tool for acoustic guitars,
ukulele, and more to achieve new tonal possibilities.
planet waves 獨家推出的橡膠 pick 套,
有三種不同厚度的 pick 可以更換,
讓您用 pick 也能彈出像手指彈撥弦的觸感及聲音!
的橡膠 pick 套中(如圖三),
就可以當成一般 pick 使用!
特別推薦給習慣使用 pick 的 bass 手,
關於 tony music 唐尼樂器 請參考賣場中店家簡介謝謝=)
#吉他pick #電吉他pick #basspick #貝斯pick #貝士pick #烏克麗麗pick #柳琴pick #吉他彈片 #電吉他彈片 #bass彈片 #貝斯彈片 #貝士彈片 #烏克麗麗彈片 #柳琴彈片 #曼陀鈴pick #曼陀鈴彈片 #古典吉他pick
planet waves adjustable insert pick
the planet waves adjustable insert pick is a customizable solution
to achieve a variety of picking sounds and attacks.
designed with the electric bass player in mind,
a rubber outer pick accepts different inserts of varying thicknesses
for soft to hard attacks - the perfect tool to attain a finger-plucked tone
on the bass or electric guitar.
the adjustable insert pick is also a great tool for acoustic guitars,
ukulele, and more to achieve new tonal possibilities.
planet waves 獨家推出的橡膠 pick 套,
有三種不同厚度的 pick 可以更換,
讓您用 pick 也能彈出像手指彈撥弦的觸感及聲音!
的橡膠 pick 套中(如圖三),
就可以當成一般 pick 使用!
特別推薦給習慣使用 pick 的 bass 手,
關於 tony music 唐尼樂器 請參考賣場中店家簡介謝謝=)
#吉他pick #電吉他pick #basspick #貝斯pick #貝士pick #烏克麗麗pick #柳琴pick #吉他彈片 #電吉他彈片 #bass彈片 #貝斯彈片 #貝士彈片 #烏克麗麗彈片 #柳琴彈片 #曼陀鈴pick #曼陀鈴彈片 #古典吉他pick