Elixir 頂級 Optiweb 19002 09-42 超薄防鏽鍍膜電吉他弦(自然聲音/手感)
Elixir Optiweb 19002 09-42 Crispy Sound/ Natural Feel
新款 Elixir Optiweb 聲音清脆而自然 獨家專利包膜技術
這款 Optiweb 讓手感沒有包膜的感覺,超薄膜的壽命提升3~5倍 聲音手感極好
electric nickel plated steel strings with optiweb coating give you the performance of a natural string that crisp tone, natural feel and playable grip you know and lovewithout sacrificing the signature long-lasting tone life of elixir strings.
played for the same crisp tone as an uncoated string
optiweb coating provides a natural feel
electric guitar strings constructed with nickel-plated steel wrap wire
our coating technology protects against common corrosion and debris buildup, extending tone life longer than any other brands coated or uncoated strings*
anti-rust plating on plain steel strings ensures longer tone life for the entire set
with less hassle and expense of frequent string changes, spend more time making music
關於 Tony Music 唐尼樂器 請參考賣場中店家簡介謝謝=)
Elixir Optiweb 19002 09-42 Crispy Sound/ Natural Feel
新款 Elixir Optiweb 聲音清脆而自然 獨家專利包膜技術
這款 Optiweb 讓手感沒有包膜的感覺,超薄膜的壽命提升3~5倍 聲音手感極好
electric nickel plated steel strings with optiweb coating give you the performance of a natural string that crisp tone, natural feel and playable grip you know and lovewithout sacrificing the signature long-lasting tone life of elixir strings.
played for the same crisp tone as an uncoated string
optiweb coating provides a natural feel
electric guitar strings constructed with nickel-plated steel wrap wire
our coating technology protects against common corrosion and debris buildup, extending tone life longer than any other brands coated or uncoated strings*
anti-rust plating on plain steel strings ensures longer tone life for the entire set
with less hassle and expense of frequent string changes, spend more time making music
關於 Tony Music 唐尼樂器 請參考賣場中店家簡介謝謝=)