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迴轉壽司! 骰子遊戲
米飯和骰子! 滾上您最喜歡的Sushi Go! 這個骰子版本的最暢銷紙牌遊戲中的人物! 在傳送帶上裝上美味的壽司骰子– ,然後揀選一個,然後將剩下的傳下去! 贏取兩個天婦羅或一組生魚片之類的套餐的積分。 抓住菜單重新擲骰子,或使用筷子與對手交換。 當然,還要為了布丁飽留你的餵! 選擇最多的積分,您就可以享受壽司卷!
1.他們喜歡玩Sushi Go!
因此,將這兩種激情結合到一個遊戲中就不足為奇了! 迴轉壽司! 發明家Phil Walker-Harding在他最暢銷的紙牌遊戲中找到了有趣的轉折,在策略和概率之間取得了平衡。
適合年齡 8歲以上
玩家人數 2 - 5 人
遊戲時間 20 分鐘左右
The Sushi Go! Dice Game
Rice and dice! Roll with your favorite Sushi Go! characters in this dice version of the best-selling card game! Load up the conveyor belts with savory sushi dice – then pick one and pass the rest! Earn points for winning combos like two tempura or a set of sashimi. Grab a menu to re-roll your dice or use chopsticks to swap with an opponent. And of course – save room for pudding at the end! Pick up the most points and you’re on a Sushi Roll!
If there are two things we’ve learned about our fans over our 25 years of publishing games, it’s that 1. They love playing Sushi Go! and 2. They really love games with dice. So it should come as no surprise that we would combine these two passions into a game! Sushi Go! inventor Phil Walker-Harding came up with a fun twist on his best-selling card game that strikes a balance between strategy and probability.
Ages Ages 8 and Up
Players 2 - 5 Players
Playing Time 20 minutes
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迴轉壽司! 骰子遊戲
米飯和骰子! 滾上您最喜歡的Sushi Go! 這個骰子版本的最暢銷紙牌遊戲中的人物! 在傳送帶上裝上美味的壽司骰子– ,然後揀選一個,然後將剩下的傳下去! 贏取兩個天婦羅或一組生魚片之類的套餐的積分。 抓住菜單重新擲骰子,或使用筷子與對手交換。 當然,還要為了布丁飽留你的餵! 選擇最多的積分,您就可以享受壽司卷!
1.他們喜歡玩Sushi Go!
因此,將這兩種激情結合到一個遊戲中就不足為奇了! 迴轉壽司! 發明家Phil Walker-Harding在他最暢銷的紙牌遊戲中找到了有趣的轉折,在策略和概率之間取得了平衡。
適合年齡 8歲以上
玩家人數 2 - 5 人
遊戲時間 20 分鐘左右
The Sushi Go! Dice Game
Rice and dice! Roll with your favorite Sushi Go! characters in this dice version of the best-selling card game! Load up the conveyor belts with savory sushi dice – then pick one and pass the rest! Earn points for winning combos like two tempura or a set of sashimi. Grab a menu to re-roll your dice or use chopsticks to swap with an opponent. And of course – save room for pudding at the end! Pick up the most points and you’re on a Sushi Roll!
If there are two things we’ve learned about our fans over our 25 years of publishing games, it’s that 1. They love playing Sushi Go! and 2. They really love games with dice. So it should come as no surprise that we would combine these two passions into a game! Sushi Go! inventor Phil Walker-Harding came up with a fun twist on his best-selling card game that strikes a balance between strategy and probability.
Ages Ages 8 and Up
Players 2 - 5 Players
Playing Time 20 minutes