國際牌 Panasonic 原廠 TY-ER3D4MW 3D眼鏡
約 168mm×43mm×171mm
約 27 g
使用電源 DC 5V 及 鋰離子聚合物充電電池
標準附件 USB充電線
3D Playback Type Active Shutter 3D Method
Transmittance Method RF (Bluetooth®) / Full HD 3D Glasses Standard Compatible
Battery Type Lithium-ion polymer rechargeable battery
Battery Duration*¹ Approx. 30 hours operation time for a 30 - minute full battery charge
(Approx. 3 hours operation time for a 2-minute battery charge)
Dimensions (H × W × D / without Nose Pad) 42 × 168 × 171 mm (1.67" × 6.61" × 6.73")
Power Supply DC 5 V (supplied by USB terminal of a Panasonic TV)
Weight 27 g (0.96 oz.)
Viewing Range*² Transmitter for 3D Eyewear within 3.2 m (10.5') from front surface of the TV
Usage Temperature Range 0 °C - 40 °C (32 °F - 104 °F)
Package includes 1 Pair of Eyewear
NOTE *¹ The battery duration will change as per the total usage time with the number of charge / discharge cycles.
*² The location of the 3D Eyewear transmitter
NOTE: There are differences in the viewing range of the 3D Eyewear among individuals.
商品為原廠庫藏品 非公司貨 由出貨廠商提供三個月完美保固 詳細規格請參照官網資訊
約 168mm×43mm×171mm
約 27 g
使用電源 DC 5V 及 鋰離子聚合物充電電池
標準附件 USB充電線
3D Playback Type Active Shutter 3D Method
Transmittance Method RF (Bluetooth®) / Full HD 3D Glasses Standard Compatible
Battery Type Lithium-ion polymer rechargeable battery
Battery Duration*¹ Approx. 30 hours operation time for a 30 - minute full battery charge
(Approx. 3 hours operation time for a 2-minute battery charge)
Dimensions (H × W × D / without Nose Pad) 42 × 168 × 171 mm (1.67" × 6.61" × 6.73")
Power Supply DC 5 V (supplied by USB terminal of a Panasonic TV)
Weight 27 g (0.96 oz.)
Viewing Range*² Transmitter for 3D Eyewear within 3.2 m (10.5') from front surface of the TV
Usage Temperature Range 0 °C - 40 °C (32 °F - 104 °F)
Package includes 1 Pair of Eyewear
NOTE *¹ The battery duration will change as per the total usage time with the number of charge / discharge cycles.
*² The location of the 3D Eyewear transmitter
NOTE: There are differences in the viewing range of the 3D Eyewear among individuals.
商品為原廠庫藏品 非公司貨 由出貨廠商提供三個月完美保固 詳細規格請參照官網資訊